16G101-3 Drawing Rules and Standard Detailing Drawings of Ichnographic Representing Method for Construction Drawings of R.C. Structures (Spread footings, strip foundations, raft foundations and pile foundations) is the revised version of 11G101-3 Drawing Rules and Standard Detailing Drawings of Ichnographic Representing Method for Construction Drawings of R.C. Structures (Spread footings, strip foundations, raft foundations and pile foundations). According to the updated versions of codes GB 18306-2015 Seismic ground motion parameters zonation map of China, GB 50011-2010 Code for seismic design of buildings and its partial revision in 2016 and GB 50010-2010 Code for design of concrete structures (2015 version) et al., considering feedbacks from engineering practice and need of practical projects in recent years, contents in the drawing collection have been systematically revised, and details of cast-in-place concrete piles are included in this version. This drawing collection is applicable to the construction drawing design of all kinds of cast-in-situ concrete spread footings, strip foundations, raft foundations (ribbed and slab) and pile foundations. There are two parts in this drawing collection: drawing rules of IRM and standard detailing drawings of commonly used spread footings, strip foundations, raft foundations (ribbed and slab) and pile foundations made of cast-in-situ concrete.
16G101-3中文 7
目录 7
总说明 13
第一部分 平法制图规则 15
1 总则 15
2 独立基础平法施工图制图规则 19
2.1 独立基础平法施工图的表示方法 19
2.2 独立基础编号 19
2.3 独立基础的平面注写方式 19
独立基础平法施工图平面注写方式示例 41
2.4 独立基础的截面注写方式 43
2.5 其他 45
3 条形基础平法施工图制图规则 47
3.1 条形基础平法施工图的表示方法 47
3.2 条形基础编号 47
3.3 基础梁的平面注写方式 47
3.4 基础梁底部非贯通纵筋的长度规定 53
3.5 条形基础底板的平面注写方式 53
条形基础平法施工图平面注写方式示例 59
3.6 条形基础的截面注写方式 61
3.7 其他 63
4 梁板式筏形基础平法施工图制图规则 65
4.1 梁板式筏形基础平法施工图的表示方法 65
4.2 梁板式筏形基础构件的类型与编号 65
4.3 基础主梁与基础次梁的平面注写方式 65
4.4 基础梁底部非贯通纵筋的长度规定 71
4.5 梁板式筏形基础平板的平面注写方式 71
4.6 其他 75
基础主梁JL和基础次梁JCL标注图示 77
梁板式筏形基础平板LPB标注图示 79
5 平板式筏形基础平法施工图制图规则 81
5.1 平板式筏形基础平法施工图的表示方法 81
5.2 平板式筏形基础构件的类型与编号 81
5.3 柱下板带、跨中板带的平面注写方式 81
5.4 平板式筏形基础平板BPB的平面注写方式 83
5.5 其他 85
柱下板带ZXB与跨中板带KZB标注图示 89
平板式筏形基础平板BPB标注图示 91
6 桩基础平法施工图制图规则 93
6.1 灌注桩平法施工图的表示方法 93
6.2 列表注写方式 93
6.3 平面注写方式 95
6.4 桩基承台平法施工图的表示方法 97
6.5 桩基承台编号 97
6.6 独立承台的平面注写方式 97
6.7 承台梁的平面注写方式 103
6.8 桩基承台的截面注写方式 107
6.9 其他 107
7 基础相关构造制图规则 109
7.1 相关构造类型与表示方法 109
7.2 相关构造平法施工图制图规则 109
7.3 其他 117
第二部分 标准构造详图 119
混凝土结构的环境类别 混凝土保护层的最小厚度 119
受拉钢筋基本锚团长度ιab 抗震设计时受拉钢筋基本锚固长度ιabE 钢筋弯折的弯弧内直径D 121
受拉钢筋锚固长度ιa 受拉钢筋抗震锚固长度ιaE 123
纵向钢筋弯钩与机械锚固形式 纵向受力钢筋搭接区箍筋构造 纵向钢筋的连接 125
纵向受拉钢筋搭接长度lι 127
纵向受拉钢筋抗震搭接长度lιE 129
箍筋及拉筋弯钩构造 基础梁箍筋复合方式 非接触纵向钢筋搭接构造 131
墙身竖向分布钢筋在基础中构造 133
边缘构件纵向钢筋在基础中构造 135
柱纵向钢筋在基础中构造 137
独立基础DJj、DJp 、BJj、BJp底板配筋构造 139
双柱普通独立基础底部与顶部配筋构造 141
设置基础梁的双柱普通独立基础配筋构造 143
独立基础底板配筋长度减短10%构造 145
杯口和双杯口独立基础构造 147
高杯口独立基础配筋构造 149
双高杯口独立基础配筋构造 151
单柱带短柱独立基础配筋构造 153
双柱带短柱独立基础配筋构造 155
条形基础底板配筋构造(一) 157
条形基础底板配筋构造(二) 159
条形基础板底不平构造 条形基础底板配筋长度减短10%构造 161
基础梁JL纵向钢筋与箍筋构造 附加箍筋构造附加(反扣)吊筋构造 163
基础梁JL配置两种箍筋构造 基础梁JL竖向加腋钢筋构造 165
梁板式筏形基础梁JL端部与外伸部位钢筋构造 条形基础梁JL端部与外伸部位钢筋构造 167
基础梁侧面构造纵筋和拉筋 169
基础梁JL梁底不平和变截面部位钢筋构造 171
基础梁JL与柱结合部侧腋构造 173
基础次梁JCL纵向钢筋与箍筋构造 基础次梁JCL端部外伸部位钢筋构造 175
基础次梁JCL竖向加腋钢筋构造 基础次梁JCL配置两种箍筋构造 177
基础次梁JCL梁底不平和变截面部位钢筋构造 179
梁板式筏形基础平板LPB钢筋构造 181
梁板式筏形基础平板LPB端部与外伸部位钢筋构造 梁板式筏形基础平板LPB变截面部位钢筋构造 183
平板式筏基柱下板带ZXB与跨中板带KZB纵向钢筋构造 185
平板式筏形基础平板BPB钢筋构造 187
平板式筏形基础平板(ZXB、KZB、BPB) 变截面部位钢筋构造 189
平板式筏形基础平板(ZXB、KZB、BPB) 端部与外伸部位钢筋构造 191
矩形承台CTj和CTp,配筋构造 193
等边三桩承台CTj配筋构造 195
等腰三桩承台CTj配筋构造 197
六边形承台CTj配筋构造 199
双柱联合承台底部与顶部配筋构造 203
墙下单排桩承台梁CTL配筋构造 205
墙下双排桩承台梁CTL配筋构造 207
灌注桩通长等截面配筋构造 灌注桩部分长度配筋构造 209
灌注桩通长变截面配筋构造 螺旋箍筋构造 211
钢筋混凝土灌注桩桩顶与承台连接构造 213
基础联系梁JLL配筋构造 搁置在基础上的非框架梁 215
基础底板后浇带HJD构造 基础梁后浇带HJD构造 217
后浇带HJD下抗水压垫层构造 后浇带HJD超前止水构造基坑JK构造 219
上柱墩SZD构造(棱台与棱柱形) 221
下柱墩XZD构造(倒棱台与倒棱柱形) 223
防水底板JB与各类基础的连接构造 225
窗井墙CJQ配筋构造 227
附录:词汇表 229
16G101-3E 1
16G101-3English 8
Contents 8
General Instruction 14
Part One Drawing Rules of Ichnographic Representing Method 16
1 General Provisions 16
2 Rules of Ichnographic Construction Drawings of Spread Footings 20
2.1 Representing method of ichnographic construction drawings of spread footings 20
2.2 Numbering of spread footings 20
2.3 Ichnographic annotation method of spread footings 20
Example of construction drawings of spread footings using IRM 42
2.4 Sectional annotation method of spread footings 44
2.5 Others 46
3 Rules of Ichnographic Construction Drawings of Strip Foundations 48
3.1 Representing method of ichnographic construction drawings of strip foundations 48
3.2 Numbering of strip foundations 48
3.3 Ichnographic annotation method of foundation beams 48
3.4 Rules of the length of discontinuous longitudinal bars at the bottom of foundation beams 54
3.5 Ichnographic annotation method of strip foundation slabs 54
Example of construction drawings of strip foundations using IRM 60
3.6 Sectional annotation method of strip foundations 62
3.7 Others 64
4 Rules of Ichnographic Construction Drawings of Ribbed Raft Foundations 66
4.1 Representing method of ichnographic construction drawings of ribbed raft foundations 66
4.2 Type and numbering of members of ribbed raft foundations 66
4.3 Ichnographic annotation method of primary & secondary foundation beams 66
4.4 Rules of the length of discontinuous longitudinal bars at the bottom of foundation beams 72
4.5 Ichnographic annotation method of slabs of ribbed raft foundations 72
4.6 Others 76
Annotation of primary foundation beams (JL) and secondary foundation beams (JCL) 78
Annotation of the slab (LPB) of ribbed raft foundations 80
5 Rules of Ichnographic Construction Drawings of Slab Foundations 82
5.1 Representing method of ichnographic construction drawings of slab foundations 82
5.2 Type and numbering of members in slab foundations 82
5.3 Ichnographic annotation method of slab strips under columns and slab strips at midspan 82
5.4 Ichnographic annotation method of the slab (BPB) of slab foundations 84
5.5 Others 86
Annotation of slab strips under columns (ZXB) and slab strips at midspan (KZB) 90
Annotation of the slab (BPB) of slab foundations 92
6 Rules of Ichnographic Construction Drawings of Pile Foundations 94
6.1 Representing method of ichnographic construction drawings of cast-in-place piles 94
6.2 Tabulated annotation method 94
6.3 Ichnographic annotation method 96
6.4 Representing method of ichnographic construction drawings of pile caps 98
6.5 Numbering of pile caps 98
6.6 Ichnographic annotation method of independent pile caps 98
6.7 Ichnographic annotation method of pile cap beams 104
6.8 Sectional annotation method of pile caps 108
6.9 Others 108
7 Drawing Rules of Detailing Related to Foundations 110
7.1 Type and representing method of related detailing 110
7.2 Drawing rules of ichnographic construction drawings of related detailing 110
7.3 Others 118
Part Two Standard Detailing Drawings 120
Environment classification of concrete structures Minimum concrete cover 120
Basic anchorage length lab, basic anchorage length labE of tension bars in seismic design and the inside diameter of hook D 122
Anchorage length la of tension bars Anchorage length laE of tension bars in seismic design 124
Hooks and mechanical anchorage types of longitudinal bars Stirrup detailing in the lap zone of longitudinal main bars Splice of longitudinal bars 126
Lap length ll of longitudinal tension bars 128
Lap length llE of longitudinal tension bars in seismic design 130
Detailing of hooks of closed stirrups and tie bars Overlapping stirrups in the foundation beam Lapping detailing of non-contact longitudinal bars 132
Detailing of vertical distribution bars in walls anchored in foundations 134
Detailing of developing longitudinal bars in boundary elements to foundations 136
Detailing of developing longitudinal bars in columns to foundations 138
Reinforcement detailing of spread footing slabs (DJJ,DJP,BJJ and BJP) 140
Top and bottom reinforcement detailing of double-column normal spread footings 142
Reinforcement detailing of double-column normal spread footings with foundation beams 144
Detailing of reducing length of bars by 10% in spread footings 146
Detailing of single-socket and double-socket spread footings 148
Reinforcement detailing of high-socket spread footings 150
Reinforcement detailing of double-high-socket spread footings 152
Reinforcement detailing of single-column spread footings with short columns 154
Reinforcement detailing of double-column spread footings with short columns 156
Reinforcement detailing of strip foundation slabs (Ⅰ) 158
Reinforcement detailing of strip foundation slabs (Ⅱ) 160
Detailing of strip foundation with different slab base elevations Detailing of reducing length of bars by 10% in the foundation slab of strip foundations 162
Detailing of longitudinal bars and stirrups in foundation beams JL Detailing of additional stirrups Detailing of additional hangers 164
Detailing of foundation beams (JL) with two arrangements of stirrups Reinforcement detailing of foundation beams (JL) with vertical haunches 166
Reinforcement detailing of beam ends or cantilevers of foundation beams (JL) in ribbed raft foundations Reinforcement detailing of beam ends or cantilevers of foundation beams (JL) in strip foundations 168
Side bars and tie bars in foundation beams 170
Reinforcement detailing of foundation beams (JL) with uneven bottom and variable cross-section 172
Detailing of lateral haunch at the junction of foundation beam (JL) and column 174
Detailing of longitudinal bars and stirrups in secondary foundation beams (JCL) Reinforcement detailing of cantilevers at the end of secondary foundation beam (JCL) 176
Reinforcement detailing of vertical haunch in secondary foundation beams (JCL) Detailing of secondary foundation beams (JCL) with two arrangements of stirrups 178
Reinforcement detailing of secondary foundation beams (JCL) with different base elevations and variable cross-section 180
Reinforcement detailing of ribbed raft foundation slabs (LPB) 182
Reinforcement detailing of the end and cantilever of ribbed raft foundation slabs (LPB) Reinforcement detailing of ribbed raft foundation slabs (LPB) when cross-section changes 184
Longitudinal bars detailing of midspan slab strips (KZB) and slab strips under columns (ZXB) in slab foundations 186
Reinforcement detailing of slab foundations (BPB) 188
Reinforcement detailing of slab foundations (ZXB, KZB and BPB) when corss-section changes 190
Reinforcement detailing of ends and cantilevers in slab foundations (ZXB, KZB and BPB) 192
Reinforcement detailing of rectangular pile cap CTJ and CTP 194
Reinforcement detailing of equilateral caps with three piles CTJ 196
Reinforcement detailing of isosceles caps with three piles CTJ 198
Reinforcement detailing of sexangular pile caps CTJ 200
Detailing of top and bottom reinforcement in pile cap shared by two columns 204
Reinforcement detailing of pile foundation beams (CTL) with single-row piles under walls 206
Reinforcement detailing of pile foundation beams (CTL) with double-row piles under walls 208
Continuous reinforcement detailing of cast-in-place piles with constant cross-section Discontinuous reinforcement detailing of cast-in-place piles 210
Continuous reinforcement detailing of cast-in-place piles with variable cross-section Detailing of spiral stirrups 212
Detailing of connection between the pile head and pile cap of the R.C. cast-in-place piles 214
Reinforcement detailing of foundation connection beams JLL Non-frame beam supported by foundations 216
Detailing of post-cast strips (HJD) in foundation slabs Detailing of post-cast strips (HJD) in foundation beams 218
Detailing of water pressure resistance cushion under post-cast strips (HJD) Advanced waterstop detailing of post-cast strips (HJD) Detailing of foundation pits (JK) 220
Detailing of prismy or prismoid shaped upper piers (SZD) 222
Detailing of reversed prismoid or prismy shaped lower piers (XZD) 224
Detailing of connections between basement waterproof slabs (JB) and different foundations 226
Reinforcement detailing of areaway walls (CJQ) 228
Appendix:word list 230