16G101-1 Drawing Rules and Standard Detailing Drawings of Ichnographic Representing Method for Construction Drawings of R.C. Structures (Cast-in-situ R.C. frames, shear walls, beams and slabs) is the revised version of 11G101-1 Drawing Rules and Standard Detailing Drawings of Ichnographic Representing Method for Construction Drawings of R.C. Structures (Cast-in-situ R.C. frames, shear walls, beams and slabs). According to the updated versions of codes GB 18306-2015 Seismic Ground Motion Parameters Zonation Map of China, GB50011-2010 Code for Seismic Design of Buildings and its partial revision in 2016 and GB50010-2010 Code for Design of Concrete Structures (2015 version) et al., considering feedbacks from engineering practice and need of practical projects in recent years, contents in the drawing collection have been systematically revised, and details of frame flat beams are included in this version.This drawing collection is applicable to construction drawing design of main structure in all kinds of cast-in-situ R.C. structures in seismic design with seismic precautionary intensity 6~9, such as frame structures, shear wall structures, frame-shear wall structures and partial frame-supported shear wall structures, and is also applicable to cast-in-situ R.C. slabs (with and without beams) as well as cast-in-situ R.C. walls, columns, beams and slabs of basement structures.There are two parts in this drawing collection: drawing rules of IRM and standard detailing drawings of structural members above top of the foundation, such as cast-in-situ R.C columns, shear walls, beams and slabs (with or without beams).
16G101-1中文 7
目录 7
总说明 15
第一部分 平法制图规则 17
1 总则 17
2 柱平法施工图制图规则 21
2.1 柱平法施工图的表示方法 21
2.2 列表注写方式 21
2.3 截面注写方式 25
2.4 其他 25
柱平法施工图列表注写方式示例 27
柱平法施工图截面注写方式示例 29
3 剪力墙平法施工图制图规则 31
3.1 剪力墙平法施工图的表示方法 31
3.2 列表注写方式 31
3.3 截面注写方式 39
3.4 剪力墙洞口的表示方法 41
3.5 地下室外墙的表示方法 43
3.6 其他 47
剪力墙平法施工图列表注写方式示例 49
剪力墙平法施工图截面注写方式示例 53
地下室外墙平法施工图平面注写示例 55
4 梁平法施工图制图规则 57
4.1 梁平法施工图的表示方法 57
4.2 平面注写方式 57
4.3 截面注写方式 73
4.4 梁支座上部纵筋的长度规定 75
4.5 不伸入支座的梁下部纵筋长度规定 75
4.6 其他 75
梁平法施工图平面注写方式示例 79
梁平法施工图截面注写方式示例 81
5 有梁楼盖平法施工图制图规则 83
5.1 有梁楼盖平法施工图的表示方法 83
5.2 板块集中标注 83
5.3 板支座原位标注 85
5.4 其他 91
有梁楼盖平法施工图示例 93
6 无梁楼盖平法施工图制图规则 95
6.1 无梁楼盖平法施工图的表示方法 95
6.2 板带集中标注 95
6.3 板带支座原位标注 95
6.4 暗梁的表示方法 97
6.5 其他 99
无梁楼盖平法施工图示例 101
7 楼板相关构造制图规则 103
7.1 楼板相关构造类型与表示方法 103
7.2 楼板相关构造直接引注 103
7.3 其他 115
第二部分 标准构造详图 117
混凝土结构的环境类别 117
混凝土保护层的最小厚度 117
受拉钢筋基本锚固长度 119
抗震设计时受拉钢筋基本锚固长度 119
钢筋弯折的弯弧内直径 119
受拉钢筋锚固长度 121
受拉钢筋抗震锚固长度 121
纵向钢筋弯钩与机械锚固形式 123
纵向受力钢筋搭接区箍筋构造 123
纵向钢筋的连接 123
纵向受拉钢筋搭接长度 125
纵向受拉钢筋抗震搭接长度 127
封闭箍筋及拉筋弯钩构造 129
梁并筋等效直径、最小净距 129
梁柱纵筋间距要求 129
拉结筋构造 129
螺旋箍筋构造 129
KZ纵向钢筋连接构造 131
地下室KZ的纵向钢筋连接构造 133
地下室KZ的箍筋加密区范围 133
KZ、QZ、LZ箍筋加密区范围 135
QZ、LZ纵向钢筋构造 135
抗震框架柱和小墙肢箍筋加密区高度选用表 137
KZ边柱和角柱柱顶纵向钢筋构造 139
KZ中柱柱顶纵向钢筋构造 141
KZ柱变截面位置纵向钢筋构造 141
KZ边柱、角柱柱顶等截面伸出时纵向钢筋构造 143
芯柱XZ配筋构造 145
矩形箍筋复合形式 145
剪力墙水平分布钢筋构造 147
剪力墙竖向钢筋构造 151
约束边缘构件YBZ构造 155
剪力墙水平分布钢筋计入约束边缘构件体积配箍率的构造做法 157
构造边缘构件GBZ、扶壁柱FBZ、非边缘暗柱AZ构造 159
连梁LL配筋构造 161
剪力墙BKL或AL与LL重叠时配筋构造 163
剪力墙连梁LLk纵向钢筋、箍筋加密区构造 165
连梁交叉斜筋LL(JX)配筋构造 167
连梁集中对角斜筋LL(DX)配筋构造 167
连梁对角暗撑LL(JC)配筋构造 167
地下室外墙DWQ钢筋构造 169
剪力墙洞口补强构造 171
楼层框架梁KL纵向钢筋构造 173
屋面框架梁WKL纵向钢筋构造 175
框架梁水平、竖向加腋构造 177
KL、WKL中间支座纵向钢筋构造 179
梁箍筋构造 181
非框架梁L、Lg配筋构造 183
不伸入支座的梁下部纵向钢筋断点位置 185
梁侧面纵向构造筋和拉筋 185
非框架梁L中间支座纵向钢筋构造 187
水平折梁、竖向折梁钢筋构造 187
纯悬挑梁XL及各类梁的悬挑端配筋构造 189
框架扁梁中柱节点 191
框架扁梁边柱节点(一) 193
框架扁梁箍筋构造 193
框架扁梁边柱节点(二) 195
框支梁KZL、转换柱ZHZ配筋构造 197
框支梁KZL上部墙体开洞部位加强做法 199
托柱转换梁TZL托柱位置箍筋加密构造 199
井字梁JZL、JZLg配筋构造 201
有梁楼盖楼(屋)面板配筋构造 203
板在端部支座的锚固构造(一) 203
板在端部支座的锚固构造(二) 205
板翻边FB构造 205
有梁楼盖不等跨板上部贯通纵筋连接构造 207
单(双)向板配筋示意 209
纵向钢筋非接触搭接构造 209
悬挑板XB钢筋构造 211
无支承板端部封边构造 211
折板配筋构造 211
无梁楼盖柱上板带ZSB与跨中板带KZB纵向钢筋构造 213
板带端支座纵向钢筋构造(一) 215
板带悬挑端纵向钢筋构造 215
柱上板带暗梁钢筋构造 215
板带端支座纵向钢筋构造(二) 217
板后浇带HJD钢筋构造 219
墙后浇带HJD钢筋构造 219
梁后浇带HJD钢筋构造 219
板加腋JY构造 221
局部升降板SJB构造(一) 221
局部升降板SJB构造(二) 223
板开洞BD与洞边加强钢筋构造(洞边无集中荷载) 225
悬挑板阳角放射筋Ces构造 229
板内纵筋加强带JQD构造 231
悬挑板阴角构造 231
柱帽ZMa、ZMb、ZMc、ZMab构造 233
柱顶柱帽柱纵向钢筋构造 233
抗冲切箍筋Rh构造 235
抗冲切弯起筋Rb构造 235
附录:词汇表 237
16G101-1English 8
Contents 8
General Instruction 16
Part One Drawing Rules of Ichnographic Representing Method 18
1 General Provisions 18
2 Rules of Ichnographic Construction Drawings of Columns 22
2.1 Representing method of ichnographic construction drawings of columns 22
2.2 Tabulated annotation method 22
2.3 Sectional annotation method 26
2.4 Others 26
Example of ichnographic construction drawings of columns using tabulated annotation method 28
Example of ichnographic construction drawings of columns using sectional annotation method 30
3 Rules of Ichnographic Construction Drawings of Shear Walls 32
3.1 Representing method of ichnographic construction drawings of shear walls 32
3.2 Tabulated annotation method 32
3.3 Sectional annotation method 40
3.4 Representing method of openings in shear walls 42
3.5 Representing method of exterior walls of basement 44
3.6 Others 48
Example of ichnographic construction drawings of shear walls using tabulated annotation method 50
Example of ichnographic construction drawings of shear walls using sectional annotation method 54
Example of ichnographic construction drawings of exterior walls of basement using ichnographic annotation method 56
4 Rules of Ichnographic Construction Drawings of Beams 58
4.1 Representing method of ichnographic construction drawings of beams 58
4.2 Ichnographic annotation method 58
4.3 Sectional annotation method 74
4.4 Requirements for length of top longitudinal bars in beams at support 76
4.5 Requirements for length of bottom bars in beams cut off in span 76
4.6 Others 76
Example of ichnographic construction drawings of beams using ichnographic annotation method 80
Example of ichnographic construction drawings of beams using sectional annotation method 82
5 Rules of Ichnographic Construction Drawings of Slabs with Beams 84
5.1 Representing method of ichnographic construction drawings of slabs with beams 84
5.2 General annotation of slabs 84
5.3 Specific annotation of slabs at support 86
5.4 Others 92
Example of ichnographic construction drawings of slabs with beams 94
6 Rules of Ichnographic Construction Drawings of Slabs without Beams 96
6.1 Representing method of ichnographic construction drawings of slabs without beams 96
6.2 General annotation of slab strips 96
6.3 Specific annotation of slab strips at support 96
6.4 Representing method of embedded beams 98
6.5 Others 100
Example of ichnographic construction drawings of slabs without beams 102
7 Rules for Drawings of Slab-related Detailing 104
7.1 Types and the representing method of slab-related detailing 104
7.2 Direct annotation of slab-related detailing 104
7.3 Others 116
Part Two Standard Detailing Drawings 118
Environment classification of concrete structures Minimum concrete cover 118
Basic anchorage length lab, basic anchorage length labE of tension bars in seismic design and the inside diameter of hook D 120
Anchorage length la of tension bars Anchorage length laE of tension bars in seismic design 122
Hooks and mechanical anchorage types of longitudinal bars Stirrup detailing in the lap zone of longitudinal main bars Splices of longitudinal bars 124
Lap length ll of longitudinal tension bars 126
Lap length llE of longitudinal tension bars in seismic design 128
Detailing of hooks of closed stirrups and tie bars Equivalent diameter and minimum clear spacing of twin bars in beams Spacing requirements for longitudinal bars in beams and columns Detailing of tie bars Detailing of spiral stirrups 130
Splices detailing of longitudinal bars in frame columns KZ 132
Splices detailing of longitudinal bars in frame columns KZ of basement Stirrup densification zone in frame columns KZ of basement 134
Stirrup densification zone for KZ, QZ, LZ Detailing of longitudinal bars in QZ, LZ 136
Table of height of stirrup densification zone in seismic-force-resisting frame columns or short shear wall limbs 138
Detailing of longitudinal bars at the top of edge columns and corner columns KZ 140
Detailing of longitudinal bars at the top of interior columns KZ Detailing of longitudinal bars at variable sections of columns KZ 142
Detailing of longitudinal bars at top of edge columns and corner columns KZ that rise beyond the roof with a constant section 144
Detailing of reinforcement in core columns XZ Overlapping patterns of rectangular stirrups 146
Detailing of horizontal distribution bars in shear walls 148
Detailing of vertical bars in shear walls 152
Detailing of special boundary elements YBZ 156
Detailing of special boundary elements when horizontal bars in shear walls are counted in the calculation of volumetric ratio of stirrup in special boundary elements 158
Detailing of ordinary boundary elements GBZ, buttress columns FBZ and middle embedded columns AZ 160
Detailing of reinforcement in coupling beams LL 162
Detailing of reinforcement when edge frame beams BKL or embedded beams AL of shear walls overlap with coupling beams LL 164
Detailing of longitudinal bars and stirrup densification zone in coupling beams of shear walls LLk 166
Detailing of coupling beams with crossing bars LL (JX) Detailing of coupling beams with diagonal bars LL (DX) Detailing of coupling beams with embedded diagonal bracings LL (JC) 168
Detailing of reinforcement in exterior walls of basement DWQ 170
Detailing of strengthening bars of openings in shear walls 172
Detailing of longitudinal bars in floor frame beams KL 174
Detailing of longitudinal bars in roof frame beams WKL 176
Detailing of horizontal and vertical haunch of frame beams 178
Detailing of longitudinal bars in floor and roof frame beams KL,WKL at interior supports 180
Detailing of stirrups in beams 182
Detailing of reinforcement in non-frame beams L and Lg 184
Cutoff point of beam bottom longitudinal bars which do not extend into supports Side bars and tie bars in beams 186
Detailing of longitudinal bars in beams L at interior supports Detailing of reinforcement in horizontally or vertically folded beams 188
Detailing of reinforcement in cantilever beams XL and cantilever end of all kinds of beams 190
Joints of frame flat beams and interior columns 192
Joints of frame flat beams and edge columns (Ⅰ) Stirrup detailing of frame flat beams 194
Joints of frame flat beams and edge columns (Ⅱ) 196
Detailing of reinforcement in frame-supported beams KZL and transfer columns ZHZ 198
Strengthening detailing of frame-supported beams KZL under wall openings Stirrup densification detailing of column supporting transfer beams TZL under the supported column 200
Detailing of reinforcement in #-shape arranged beams JZL or JZLg 202
Detailing of reinforcement in floor (roof) slabs with beams Anchorage detailing of slab reinforcement at end supports (Ⅰ) 204
Anchorage detailing of slab reinforcement at end supports (Ⅱ) Detailing of slab turnups FB 206
Splice detailing of top continuous bars in slabs with unequal spans 208
Schematic of reinforcement in one(two)-way slabs Detailing of non-contact lap splice of longitudinal bars 210
Detailing of reinforcement in cantilever slabs XB Detailing of reinforcement in slab free ends Detailing of reinforcement in folded slabs 212
Detailing of longitudinal bars in slab strips on top of columns ZSB and slab strips in midspan KZB of floor slabs without beams 214
Detailing of longitudinal bars at end supports of slab strips (Ⅰ) Detailing of longitudinal bars at free end of slab strips Detailing of reinforcement in embedded beams of slab strips on top of columns 216
Detailing of longitudinal bars at end supports of slab strips (Ⅱ) 218
Detailing of reinforcement in post-cast strips HJD in slabs Detailing of reinforcement in post-cast strips HJD in walls Detailing of reinforcement in post-cast strips HJD in beams 220
Detailing of haunch of slabs JY Detailing of slabs with local level difference SJB (Ⅰ) 222
Detailing of slabs with local level difference SJB (Ⅱ) 224
Detailing of slab openings BD and strengthening bars around openings (no concentrated load applied around the opening) 226
Detailing of radial bars at the external corner of cantilever slabs Ces 230
Detailing of strengthening strips of longitudinal bars JQD in slabs Detailing of the internal corner of cantilever slabs 232
Detailing of column caps ZMa, ZMb, ZMc and ZMab Detailing of column longitudinal reinforcement in column caps 234
Detailing of punching shear resistant stirrups Rh Detailing of punching shear resistant bent-up bars Rb 236
Appendix:word list 238